Saturday, April 29, 2023

1944-10-19 Eve

Nancy Kelly stars in a Cornell Woolrich story based on his novel The Black Angel. It was adapted by Robert L. Richards.

Kelly portrays a woman whose husband was wrongly convicted of murder. Her frantic efforts to vindicate him take a wrong turn and make the circumstantial evidence against him stronger.

Lucille Ball was the intended guest star; she was announced at the conclusion of the prior week’s broadcast. Kelly was one of the actors whom Spier felt confident in performing well even with short notice. She was in the cast of the March of Time radio series that started so many radio careers, including Spier’s. This was her first appearance on Suspense with many more to follow.

Lucille Ball’s picture is on the front cover of Suspense Magazine #2. A PDF of the story can be downloaded on the same page as the audio recording.

Only the Armed Forces Radio Service recording (#74) has survived.

LISTEN TO THE PROGRAM or download in FLAC or mp3


NANCY KELLY (Eve Jeremy), Wally Maher (Jerry Jordan), Lou Merrill (Frank Jeremy), Joe Kearns (Man in Black / Lt. Trout)

Why was the wife’s name “Eve”? Did Woolrich select it for a biblical juxtaposition from the Garden of Eden story where Eve’s actions lead to a moral fall and guilt, and this plotline leads to a finding of innocence and redemption?