Tuesday, May 21, 2024

1951-02-15 The Death Parade

Agnes Moorehead stars in a story that is somewhat opposite of Sorry, Wrong Number, in that she is working to get the attention of others to prevent a murder from happening… and that crime would be against someone else, not her character. She finds a letter which claims a murder will take place, and decides to seek out the woman, whom she has never met, to save her life. All she has is the woman’s name and that the man’s name is “Jack.” The noise of a downtown parade will be used to drown out the noise of the crime (a train was used in Sorry, Wrong Number) with the woman’s body thrown from a tall building. (The show actually opens with that disturbing act before going into flashbacks). In the end, Moorehead’s character may have facilitated the crime with her misguided and annoying actions. This befuddles her since she had such good and innocent intentions. Oh… yeah… spoiler alert...

The author is radio journalist Shirley Gordon. The script was adapted by Antony Ellis. Moorehead delivers a good performance as a meddling and cranky woman in a rather pedestrian script. Some might suggest that Moorehead’s portrayal overpowers the script. Is it a surprise ending or is it a confusing and unsatisfying one?

The drama portion of the program was recorded on Saturday morning, January 27, 1951. Rehearsals started at 8:45am. Recording began at 11:45am.

Actor Jerry Hausner voices the baby cries. Not many male actors could do the generational leap so effectively.

It was during Elliott Lewis’ tenure as producer that the phrase “first lady of Suspense” was first used to describe Agnes Moorehead and her appearances.

Like other recordings from 1951, there is noticeable wow and flutter variation near the end of the recording. The surviving recordings also seem to be abridged by 30-45 seconds. It is suspected that some of the other 1951 recordings may be slightly edited in some manner. Unfortunately, most all of the collectors who worked hands-on with these recordings and might have some insights into them have passed away.

LISTEN TO THE PROGRAM or download in FLAC or mp3


AGNES MOOREHEAD (Ellen Johnson), Joe Kearns (Signature Voice / Police Sergeant), Jack Kruschen (Tough Man 1 / Officer Leonard), Byron Kane (Man 2), Shimen Ruskin (Waiter), Jerry Hausner (Kennet / Baby cries), Lou Merrill (Book salesman), Lou Krugman (Janitor), Jeanette Nolan (Sheila Mannix [2nd Ellen] / Landlady), Jay Novello (Druggist)

COMMERCIAL: Bert Holland (Hap), Harlow Wilcox (Announcer), Sylvia Simms (Operator)