Friday, November 22, 2024

1955-01-13 Final Payment

Harry Bartell stars in a story about “Joe,” one of two Army buddies who try to scam an insurance company by staging a fake car accident. This is no sudden plan; this will take time. His friend “Biff” is the mastermind of it all. To make it work, they have to plan and lay a foundation that would be unassailable in court. The process would take a year or more. It is decided that Joe will move his family, take a job in their new town, buy a car… and an insurance policy. He is to create such a reliable and trustworthy image that the insurance company would be more than happy to increase the value of the policy and not question it. The day comes… Biff is hit by Joe’s car… and it looks like the scam will work… the case goes to court. And then something quite unexpected happens to Biff to disrupt their patient scheme.

The story is by Richard-George Pedicini and Phil Cole and adapted by Antony Ellis.

There are two recordings of this episode. The best recording is a newly available Armed Forces Radio Service recording (AFRS#515) but has slight sibilance (“ess-ing”) issues but otherwise has nice sound. The network recording is very listenable.

LISTEN TO THE PROGRAM or download in FLAC or mp3


Harry Bartell (Joe Thurston), Peter Leeds (Biff Munro), Vivi Janiss (Mary Thurston / Woman), Barney Phillips (Mr. Sheridan), Victor Rodman (Judge), John Larch (Mr. Hirsch), Byron Kane (Jackson Green), Larry Thor (Narrator)
