This is the second broadcast of the story originally titled “Neill Cream, Doctor of Poison.” It is based on fact. The evil Dr. Cream’s story is very gruesome, and bringing it to the air required much “sanitizing” to be acceptable to the airwaves. He was a vicious killer, convicted of murder on two continents, and numerous other horrible crimes. In some ways, poisoning was the least of his terrible acts. What makes it also is his denying that many of his actions were criminal or unjustified. It all seemed perfectly reasonable to him. Limiting this Antony Ellis script to poisoning made the story easier to tell. Joe Kearns plays Dr. Cream.
Charles Laughton starred in the 1951-09-17 broadcast. Details about the historical Dr. Cream and that broadcast can be found at which is where the recording can be downloaded or streamed.
TO THE PROGRAM or download in FLAC or
Joe Kearns (Dr. Cream), Paula Winslowe (Mrs. Minns), Tita Purdum (Daisy Minns), Virginia Gregg (Mildred), Herb Butterfield (Doctor / Police Sgt. Dean), Ben Wright (Edward Bridgman / Jailer), Raymond Lawrence (Inspector Waring), Ellen Morgan (Joyce), Larry Thor (Narrator)